Manfred Hauptmann - international geological consulting

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Training and Education

Especially the Atlas Mountains of Morocco offer a broad assemblage of facies originating from shallow- and deep-water marine as well as continental environments including:

  • seismic-scale outcrops of carbonate platforms,
  • reef-infested platform-basin transitions,
  • intra-basinal slideblocks,
  • sponge mounds,
  • atolls etc.

Flexible design of all training and workshops depending on the needs of clients. Complete organization of field trips on request.

Personal contacts with several N-African state oil companies (ONAREP / Morocco, Sonatrach / Algeria, ETAP / Tunisia) and geologic surveys grant permission and support for trips in a broad variety of sometimes remote regions. This usually includes access to additional regional-scale information such as subsurface and remote sensing data.

Central High Atlas South Rim

Central High Atlas south rim (Morocco)

Thick Jurassic carbonates (background) above Cretaceous-Tertiary redbeds (foreground) resemble infill of aborted and finally inverted rift.

Central High Atlas south rim (Morocco)

Widespread polygenic conglomerates along the Atlas south rim reveal a complicated history of uplift and erosion affecting both the inverted rift and the foreland of the Atlas Mountains.

Kirchaou region (Tunisia)

TAGI-type fluviatile sandstones of the Kirchaou region (S-Tunisia). Main reservoir of the Algerian & Tunisian Sahara.

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last update: December 2004
© Manfred K. Hauptmann 2001-2004