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Core Analysis & Reservoir Petrology

Presentation of core data and wireline logs in digital format (Apple CORE © Mike Ranger 1999) and/or hard copy depending on customer specifications.

All examinations of core and surface samples can be supported by detailed analyses of thin-sections. The additional use of SEM, X-ray, thermoluminescence, isotope analyses and other sophisticated technology can be arranged in cooporation with several German universities (Berlin, Bremen, Erlangen, Cologne).

Porosity in large-scale thin-section
Porosity (blue color) in postcard-sized thin-section. Intensely bioturbated nummulitic limestone offshore Central Tunisia.

Generations of cements inside nummulite chambers
Generations of cements inside nummulite chambers (fibrous calcites, blocky calcite spars), SEM.

Calcareous nannoplankton (coccolith) in chalky limestone

Calcareous nannoplankton (coccolith) in chalky limestone, SEM.

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last update: December 2004
© Manfred K. Hauptmann 2001-2009